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Kelly McClymer: The Magic of Twins

I always wished I had had a twin. Someone like me, but different. Someone who would know me better than anyone else, and who'd always be there for me. I knew what my twin relationship would have looked like because my mom was a twin and I had grown up

Red L. Jameson: A Writer’s Envy

Hi! I’m Red L. Jameson, writer of spicy hot and cerebral romance, and under a pen name I take on other genres. I’ve been writing almost all my life. Even before I could spell, I was writing stories and “reading” them to my brother, who was held down in his

Miguelina Perez: The Vicar’s Deadly Sin

Ms. Miguelina Perez is a writer, and jewelry artist. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of the District of Columbia. As a jewelry artist one of her lariats was showcased in the San Antonio Express-News. She has won several awards including a critical Writing award for an

Held by Him by Michelle Abbott

Today, I am happy to have Michelle Abbott stop by and share form her latest release, Held by Him. Michelle, also creates great playlists for her books, which you should check out. Blurb: CALIN I'm a master at controlling my feelings. I've had years of practice. My only release comes from cutting. And

Meredith Bond: The love hate relationship of book descriptions

I hate writing book descriptions. I have a really hard time writing them. However, writing a book description is a great way at discovering what your book is really about. Yes, I have just spent the past 3-4 months writing the book, but I was focusing on characters—making sure that they’re likeable, and

Beverly Ovalle’s Writing Journey

I’m happy to be on Celebrate with a Book. I’m Beverly Ovalle. I’ve dabbled in writing my whole life. I know, my mom unearthed some angsty pre-teen poetry that I had totally forgot about. I continued in High School having to choose between track and creative writing.  Writing won, lol. Graduating,


I love creating new characters whether I do it with a new hairstyle, a mask or a pen IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR LOVE . . .this is the story for you. MORGAINE LE FAY AND THE VIKING tells the tale of the legendary love affair that spanned three countries, crossed an

Camilla Monk: Why I write

I think I write because I tend to live inside my head, always thinking up stories about everything I see or hear around me. I also have a fondness for drawing, which, oddly enough, certainly lead me to writing: drawing is simply yet another way to write stories. I recently used

Magical Romance with Margaret Locke

Don't tell my mom, but I started reading romance at the age of ten. I'd worked my way through all of the children's books available in the local bookmobile, so I turned to the adult section, where I spied a book with a woman in a flowing green dress on
